When you wish to call upon malevolence, heed these words.*
Hide yourself inside the darkest place you can, alone. This is a solo prayer. Lock and seal all entrance behind you, and lay down on the floor, or equivalent.
If you have the prep time, neglect all needs for sustenance and hygiene. Don’t shower or eat or wash or shit, any of it, for as long as you can manage (no longer than 40 days). Let the filth and need consume your body and mind and spirit. The longer you go, the deeper into hell your prayer will be heard.
Fester, in the darkness. Then, take your own blood into your mouth, by way of choice. Conjure ice in your left hand, and set fire to the other. Sit in the most painful position possible, and lie prostrate, still as death.
Then, call a voice inside you to speak — the one you keep locked away, whose vocal folds are frayed and weak. Imagine that voice inside you, growing violent and strong. Use it to recite the following prayer:
I am worthless. I am rot. I do not deserve the gift of life. A soul was given to me in error, In aberration of all plan or logic. I am a vessel for darkness, A conduit of the forces of death— I hate life — and I wish to destroy it, I hate others — and I wish to destroy them, I hate myself — and I wish to destroy me, I yield all that I am and all that I have To the undying sea of void and absence. To the beasts waiting in shadow behind me— Use me as you will, for I give you my body, I give you my mind, I give you my soul and my spirit, I render myself open, defenseless— I turn my heart away from the rhythm of love, And I swallow, hungrily, the rhythm of fear, Taking sips and bounds and guzzles of its poisonous drink. I am but fertile soil, waiting for a cursed seed— Come to me now then— Mold me into thy electric image of blood and pain— Taint me with thy scalding fire— Trap me in the polluted tide of thy freezing sea— Wrap me in the image of nothing evermore. Let it be known: There is no reconciliation — there is only one thing: The Abyss And no longer do I resist the pull of it— Now, I ask for it to come and fill me up, Let it consume my being and all I am— Every waking thought— Every utterance and breath— Every greeting and meeting— Until I am all and ever in the maw of despair. Let the coming swarm of demons break my skin, Drink the red, delicious manna of my soul, Violate the sacredness of my life and my body— I sit before the horde, palms out, Head down into the screaming earth, Eager for the rhythms of hell to ravish me. I see my fate hung over me now, as I read these words aloud. I seek to cede my life to death, For I am one of its children, lost and estranged, And now I am come home to my maker and destroyer So that I may feed myself To the God of Death, And take my place among the ranks of its army, Where I will serve forever, in the great war after time.
*not recommended by Blood Magick or Roman Gamourtian. do not stare into the abyss, unless you wish for it to fill you up.
Summoned your demon and want to get rid of him? Check out my Demon BANISHING Prayer: