The evening before, grab paper and pen, and prepare a small fire, or an ashtray, or some place in which to do burning.
Write at least 5 things (no more than 15) that you are worried will come up tomorrow. These can be pains you carry with you, fears, anxieties, ghosts of your past — whatever you are worried will trap your spirit or shake your foundation. If you will be part of a group, do this together, but keep your lists private (this is to allow everyone to be open, vulnerable with themselves — no pressure, no social incentive).
Once done, re-read your list. Reflect upon it.
Then, take your list, fold it up, and recite the following out loud as you burn it:
I call out to the universe, I call out to all that is me, I call out to all that is not me:
I offer you these fears and uncertainties. I offer you all of this pain. Take it from my hands, and put it in the hands of time. I release myself from these burdens, for I know that they are not mine to bear alone.
May I be granted the wisdom to know that my suffering is not eternal. May I be comforted in myself, and know that I am both one thing, which contains suffering, and part of all things, which contains multitudes and essences that transcend my own pain.
I cannot rectify all my fears on my own, and I ask for answers. I ask for help. I ask that the universe may hold my pain and help me see the way through it.
Now, I release myself from fear, and I pray for acceptance of my path. As I reflect upon my fear now, I ask for cleansing fire, to melt the ice that keeps my heart held in capture, so that I may place the path of my life in the hands of the energy and the source of all things, whatever form it may take. And may the meltwater that forms — trickling down in rivers, falling down like rain — make us clean.