By now my blood has washed up On some endless foreign shore, And I stand here, feet in the sand, Tasting like iron in the mouth, Content to excise one more delight under heaven From my open chest cavity. It was a taste, I confess, developed in sickness. And the ocean keeps lapping up all the endless crimson tide. And anything else unlucky enough to spill out. As I rummage through the morsels of my abdomen— I hear organ meat gives you gout? But perhaps, all things in moderation… I have so many guts and… I won’t need them for very much longer...
And always, always, this time of night: The emptiness. But now I’m truly going to hollow myself out… Feast on my innards, cleave the hole bigger and deeper! For so long I tried to fill the void, And in the end, its growth could not be stemmed— In the end, I am devout to the endless depths of nothing, As I commit myself to their proliferation.