Now, I claim the mantle of death— I am your Satan, your end! I am the dissonant chord that grew within you, Until my roots choked the life out of yours. I am the voice of the wicked, I am the voice of the wretched, I am the voice of all who delight in death, Who scream from every rooftop and outside every barricade: “Death is life, you fool!” It is the only song they know, And I will eat their music again and again, As they spin songs out to the last breath, Crooning that up is down— That day is night— That spilled blood is precious, For, they claim, it is the goal of everything. But, I am not the evil in their hearts. I am the creature they feed their evil to, I am what they make it all for, And now I set my eyes on you.
You are my lamb, sweet thing. And I shall draw you to the altar, Where I will feed your soul to the god Whose voice calls from the dancing fire. And you will stare right at the knife, As your blood becomes payment, For the seed of rot, For the kiss of specious death, Whose truth is just a paper tiger, But whose lie will kill a thousand worlds anyway; Whose lie will blot out the light of the sun; Whose kiss I am and always will be... Whose kiss will bring ruin to the heart of everything.
This is a chilling read—your evocation of atmosphere by ways of tone and pacing is quite well done.