Gates, Or Gates, Or Both
Not Not two things, not one, not the other Not hidden, not under, not in, not out, not both And And more, and two things, and golden And the cypher, the evergreen, next Thursday, vanishing thoughts made of silver, yes threads woven in simple circles, kindling always kindling, a blazing flame that waits in supine cold, of summer, linking blows, feeling wind, a regatta as performed by broken glass, the cuts the cuts, and this, and that, and the other thing, and always, and never, and and and and and And all those things that never were Or Or one Or the other Or both Could both? If find was solitary, there is never yet. Yellow fiction, yellow system, yellow life, yellow breath Construction made or broke or made and broke Metalepsis means I’ve got to catch the bird, I’ve got to kill the bird, and bring it to a pallid death And birds And death Or pallid gliders, shot dead by the kiss of Gosper’s gun Nor anything, nor any man Xor false, nand true In s i l e n c e Immanence, and apotheosis Material, or transcendent Contention, not accord Ontology in blankets The one that chokes your thoughts like silver The one that steals the truth in doses The one that leaves it all untold. The one that falls beneath the precipice Or tears and gnashes and cries, not loves Or both Or both.